Kinetic Groove

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Kinetic Groove?

Kinetic Groove is a platform designed to help men become better fathers, husbands, employers and employees, and community leaders. The name was chosen as the definition of what’s required. Energy and action must be taken—Kinetic—and also the need stay focused, to find your north point, to stay in the Groove.

Do I have to be a Christian to be in a group?

Not at all. We welcome men of all faiths and religions, or no belief in any entity outside of themselves. We do use the timeless wisdom of the Bible as a lens to view the topics and issues we discuss; but we don’t expect everyone to believe in God as defined in the Old or New Testament.

Does Kinetic Groove accept donations?

Yes. We are a non-profit and registered 501c3. We do have a B2B offering for churches to provide revenue, but subsist primarily from dedicated individual supporters who believe in our mission.

Why should I join Kinetic Groove?

Life is hard and it kicks strongly at both sexes. Kinetic Groove groups provide a safe environment for a man to be inspired, challenged and impacted in how he interacts with those closest to him, plus the community and world at large. We don’t guarantee life change, but we are confident a man will see significant value from participation with Kinetic Groove.

How do I join Kinetic Groove?

One option is to sign up for our $9.95 per month plan to receive weekly content. A second option is to join a Kinetic Groove group, which is free. When you join a group, we gather your name, email and cell phone, only for group and platform communication. Both of these options technically make you a KG member. There are no membership requirements.

How do I cancel my Kinetic Groove membership?

If you’re paying for an individual plan, or are a church paying for one of our enterprise offerings, and you cancel, we stop the automated monthly billing. When you leave a group, we consider that to be a “canceled” membership. We archive your contact information in case you join a group again at a later date. Other than that, there’s nothing else to cancel.


How does Kinetic Groove membership work?

When you join a KG group, you’re technically a member. There are no membership requirements, and no payment requirements to be in a group.

What does a membership cost?

There is no cost to be a Kinetic Groove member, nor is there an expectation or pressure for individuals to donate or purchase a monthly plan.

Can I put my membership on hold?

Yes. Life happens and there are always other priorities that can arise. You only need to communicate with your Table Captain and group that you’re taking a break. Then notify us if you have an automated paid subscription. We’ll cancel the monthly debit.

Is Kinetic Groove a non-profit?

Yes, Kinetic Groove is a 501c3 registered non-profit.

Is membership confidential?

Yes, any discussion or digital interaction among groups is confidential between group members. Also, your contact information will not be shared or sold to other businesses or entities.

Is Kinetic Groove better than therapy?

Great question! We are not a professional counseling organization. We are, however, passionate and committed to helping men of all ages and caliber, professional level and personality type, be involved in a shared life adventure. The experience will pay dividends, and many of our participants equate the groups as a means to level up their emotional EQ and relational capital.


What happens in a KG group?

KG groups consistent of 4-7 men. The group meets each week and discuss that week’s topic. The topics run the gamut from leadership, fatherhood, marriage, business, culture, film, music, you name it. Each group has a Table Captain who serves as the group facilitator. KG also provides service opportunities for the group to help folks in need in the community. The volunteer opportunities are designed to help you support some of the amazing non-profits out there, and in doing so, help you think beyond self, thereby having a bigger impact in life.

How do I sign up for a group?

Throughout the website, you’ll see Start Now buttons or Join a Group, or on the header bar, click on the Kinetic Info button. You’ll receive additional information in an automated reply. Then we follow-up to get you plugged in based on your location and which groups are open for new guys at that time.

Is there any cost for participating in a group?

There is no cost for joining a group.

What’s the size of each group?

Groups range from 4-7 on average. Some may have 3 men, others might have 8. When the groups are smaller, we try to add men, and when they get bigger than 7, we create a new group.

Are groups only in Dallas, TX?

No. We have groups all over the United States.

Can the groups be online using Zoom or Microsoft Teams?

For sure! With busy lives, working remote, and the ever-present Covid, often online meetings are the best option. Bottom line is we want guys to connect and engage. It’s not uncommon for a group to be based in a particular city, and members Zoom from another city.

Do I have to attend or join a church to be part of a group?

Not at all. We have an eclectic mix of groups. Some are church affiliated, others are a mix of multiple churches, some have men who don’t attend church, some groups consist of different faiths, religions and spiritual worldview. The fact is, 90% of all men are searching for truth and working to be more effective in life. Kinetic Groove helps the journey.

Can I invite additional men to the group?

Yes, we encourage you to keep your radar up for friends and colleagues to join Kinetic Groove. If your group grows beyond 7 men, let us know and we’ll help start a new group.

What if I join and I do not enjoy the experience?

This is certainly a possibility. Group dynamics can be both inspired and tenuous at the same time. We encourage men to be transparent and vulnerable, which often is uncomfortable. Certain personalities may not mesh, but that’s often the best place for growth and improvement. Please reach out to us if you’re not finding your group beneficial. We’ll do our best to address and fix.

How do I report abuse by another member?

If an issue or circumstance escalates to verbal or physical abuse, please contact your Table Captain, and please contact us at We’ll respond immediately and appropriately, including contacting legal authorities if necessary.

Are meetings closed to outside participation?

Yes, in the sense that we want groups to feel like a team and develop a trusted bond. If a friend or acquaintance wants to sit-in to kick the tires a bit, go for it. However, we encourage guys to make a commitment at some point. This helps the group integrity and effectiveness. Same way none of us are keen on the flaky friend, we want men who are trying to be consistent in all areas of life.

How do I provide suggestions on how to improve Kinetic Groove?

We welcome all feedback, and are always looking to improve the platform and organization. Please email us at

How do I know Kinetic Groove membership will work for me?

We’re confident based on experience. When men gather with the intentional purpose of raising the bar, good things happen. With any organization, whether a business, sports team or volunteers with singular purpose, will see positive results when encouraging and challenging each other to be better versions of themselves.

Do you offer a free trial?

We don’t have a free trial. However, we do offer a 100% moneyback guarantee on your first month’s subscription. This is applicable for all monthly plans: individual, group and church.

Are there are any membership requirements?

Only consistent attendance with your group. All of us have busy seasons where life gets in the way. If you’re in one of those busy times, please be communicative with your group and Table Captain.

How can I communicate with other group members?

We strongly recommend all communication go through the Kinetic Groove Connecteam app. For one, the chat module is pretty robust, perfect for administrative questions, inspiration or even trash talk. More importantly, 90% of all information, and the point and gift system are directly tied to activity in the Kinetic Groove Connecteam app.

Does each individual have to pay to be in a group?

No. Each individual is not required to pay, and being a member and participating is free. To receive additional features such as group contests, individual reports, weekly group prayers and other options, we do offer a $95.00 group plan.

Do I need login credentials as a member?

Yes, you’ll create your own login credentials with the Kinetic Groove Connecteam group app.

How often do I have to participate?

There is no required attendance minimum. However, each group self-governs, and has the oversight and authority to ask an individual to leave if he’s being disruptive, offensive or is flaky with his attendance and participation.

Does Kinetic Groove offer a portal or reports to measure my progress?

Yes. When you first join KG, we send instructions on how to use the Kinetic Groove Connecteam portal. Through the portal and in separate emails, we’ll send reports, surveys, group standings, and point totals for individuals and groups.

How do I become a Table Captain?

Shazam, by reading this, YOU are now a Table Captain! Just kidding. But there isn’t any formal process. We help coach and “train” for lack of a better word, but the role is one of basic facilitation. You gotta be a premier listener, and a decent administrator. However, we’ve tried to do all the heavy lifting, specifically regarding content. We send out the weekly content all Table Captains and all members, every Monday morning at 6am. We send instructions on how to be admin of your group in the Kinetic Groove Connecteam app. Eazy-peezy.

How do I know people will not post group info online?

We encourage confidentiality with the KG groups. Individuals and groups can certainly post service pics or content they think relevant on social media. We leave it up to each group to self-govern, and only step in when egregious transgressions occur.

How can I view my participation score/standing?

We send out monthly reports to all groups, and upon request, we’ll send out individual or group scores and standings to your Table Captain.

How can I suggest additional mission/ministry projects?

Please do! Please speak with your Table Captain, and email us too at

What if I’m having problems in my group?

Speak with your Table Captain and explain the issue. If it’s related to another member, we encourage you meet with him and have the Table Captain present to help work through the problem. Most issues can be solved, and usually turn out to be a miscommunication or misperception.

Can I lead a group or can I refer someone?

Absolutely. We love to see guys step up and become Table Captains.

Can group members talk to each other outside of group meetings?

Yes. We encourage members to interact with each other outside of group. Like any relationship, whether friend or professional, sometimes the interaction is minimal, sometimes the groups develop life-long friendships.

How can I communicate with my group facilitator?

You can send private messages to your Table Captain in the Kinetic Groove Connecteam app. Of course you can also email or text him outside of the KG ecosystem.


Can churches have Kinetic Groove groups?

Yes. This is one of our primary objectives and value. We help churches build and boost their men’s ministry. We provide recruiting help, leadership training, weekly content modules, service opportunities, and robust reports to help churches elevate their men’s ministry. Please click on the Kinetic Info button on the header and select Info for Churches. We’ll follow-up with details.

How does the Kinetic Groove Fractional Pastor model work with churches?

For many churches with 300-1000 members, budget constraints limit their ability to hire a full-time men’s pastor. KG serves as your men’s ministry, essentially a disciple-making model, at 40-50% less expense. We help your church recruit and train leaders to be Table Captains from your congregation, and help create men’s groups for your church. We also provide curated content using a Biblical lens, and include the option for your Senior Pastor or other church team member to speak into the weekly content. The enterprise model includes monthly reports on attendance, service, prayer totals, and anecdotal stories. The result is a more active and committed church member who leads his family and serves the church and community.

Can Kinetic Groove groups be branded with church logos?


How can a church team member provide feedback or speak into the weekly content?


Can members of our church join a KG group?

Yes, we encourage it.

Is KG sanctioned by any church or other faith-based organization?

We partner with various churches and non-profits, but are not sanctioned by any other organization. We are a Christ-focused ministry, and we believe in a trinitarian God in the form of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and his death and resurrection provides our salvation through grace alone.

How are KG group leaders selected?

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. We keep our eyes open for men who are humble, dependable and intentional listeners. They don’t have to dominate a room, don’t have to mirror Gladiator, Thor or an MMA champion. We want the guy you can call at midnight after too many drinks, or bail you out of jail if needed.

How does KG lead men to Christ and/or encourage them to participate in the “fellowship of believers?

How does KG lead men to Christ and/or encourage them to participate in the “fellowship of believers?